I am your partner and best friend. I listen to you, and I am always there for you, hence you will always have abundantly above what you can imagine. I am your shepherd not your hired hand. I will do anything to make sure you are fine. I know my own, and they hear my voice. You hear my voice, don’t be scared. 

I have lavished my expensive comforting excess love on you, and you have a room in this love. I take you to peace. My love is not ordinary. It has everything inside and it is sweet. And I have given you freely, better collect.

I transform the whole life. That’s what I am doing now, trust me. I open up myself to you, and teach you me, so you can bring honor to my name while I use you. I correct you and mold you according to my path, so righteousness would reign in you. 

The path of molding may look like midlife crisis to you, but I will always be there holding your hand, because I love you. And perfect love casts out fear. 

My lordship – allowing me reign gives you strength and peace. Resting in me and allowing me to lead the way calms you. 

You rest in me and keep eating my fruits when they come for you.

I pour my spirit on you and allow you to experience me till you overflow. You cannot run out of me as far as you abide in me. You are filled and you enjoy me. 

What is there to be afraid of when my angels are pursuing you with goodness and love? My goodness and love are not conditional. I am chasing after you, so you will be with me forever. 

I am your lover preparing you for marriage.

Your lover, 


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